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Privacy Policy

Muthoot Vehicle & Asset Finance Ltd  (MVFL) is strongly committed to protect the personal and financial information that the user of the website (hereinafter "user(s)") submits to us and would endeavor to protect it from unauthorized use. MVFL assures the users that the information made available to us will be kept in strict confidentiality and we will use the information only to help us to service their account better, to provide them with products and services that they may have requested, and to inform them about other products and services that may be of interest to them. We do not sell you’re their personal information to third parties. We shall not reveal information or data relating to borrower accounts, whether provided by the borrowers or otherwise, to anyone, including other companies, entities in their group, other than in the following exceptional cases:

1. If the information is to be given by law.

2. If there is a duty towards the public to reveal the information.

3. If the borrower asks us to reveal the information, or with the borrower’s permission.

4. If MVFL is asked to give a reference about borrowers, MVFL shall obtain his / her written permission before giving it.

The users authorizes MVFL to exchange, share, part with all information related to the details and transaction history of the users to its Affiliate regulatory authorities / banks / financial institutions / credit bureaus / agencies / participation in any required form as may be required by law, customary practice, credit reporting, statistical analysis and credit scoring, verification or risk management and shall not hold MVFL liable for use or disclosure of this information. Other websites that the users may access via website may have different privacy policies and access to such web sites will not be subject to this privacy policy. We recommend that the users read the privacy statement of each such website to find out how they protect their personal information. Due to changes in legislation or enhancements to functionality and content on the website, we may make changes to privacy policy (without being obliged to do so) and would reflect those changes in this privacy policy statement. Hence the users are requested to go through the privacy policy statement on a regular basis.

Please note that this privacy policy does not create any contractual or other legal rights in or on behalf of any party, nor is it intended to do so.


The information provided by Muthoot Vehicle & Asset Finance Ltd (“we,” “us” or “our”) on (the “Site”) is for general informational purposes only. All information on the Site is provided in good faith, however we make no representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, availability or completeness of any information on the Site. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCE SHALL WE HAVE ANY LIABILITY TO YOU FOR ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE OF ANY KIND INCURRED AS A RESULT OF THE USE OF THE SITE OR RELIANCE ON ANY INFORMATION PROVIDED ON THE SITE. YOUR USE OF THE SITE AND YOUR RELIANCE ON ANY INFORMATION ON THE SITE IS SOLELY AT YOUR OWN RISK.

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Contact Info

For further enquiries or details contact us :


Corporate Office 5th & 6th Floor Midhun Tower, KP Vallon Road Kadavanthara, Kochi-682020 Kerala,India


Email :
Mobile : +91 7593870012

Thank you for choosing our service! We will contact you soon with the next steps. Your satisfaction is our priority.

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